Monday, November 23, 2009

A Busy Weekend

We had a busy, good weekend but by Sunday night I was tired! Here are a few highlights from our busy weekend.

On Saturday the boys and I drove to NJ for cousin Ariel's birthday party. She just turned 3. We also celebrated Chris Jr's birthday because they were unable to have a party for him when he turned 5 back in Sept. 

It was a cold and breezy party at Fort Mott. Garrett had a great time seeing all the cousins, grandma\grandpa, and aunts and uncles. After cake and presents we went for an "Adventure" with some of the cousins around Fort Mott, which happens to be where Brian proposed to me. I had not been there for a long time and they now have many of the rooms closed off but its still a neat place to explore. Once the party was over I went to Heather's house for the evening where we chatted the best we could over loud, crazy children until I left around 7:30pm. I'm not sure what a normal conversation will be like once all our kids are off to school or work in 20 some years. It will probably sound too silent. 
The birthday girl.

Garrett and Chris are best little buds and love to play with each other. Here they are sporting matching shot guns.

Another highlight of our weekend was the fact that I managed to go to church for the first time since Tristan's birth. It went alright. I was a whole hour late. Garrett really doesn't like going to church (but is always happy after Primary) so he was really fighting me getting ready. Once we got there he didn't want to go into Sharing Time but luckily his teacher knows him pretty well and knows a good candy bribe works. Tristan slept most of the time until after we took the sacrament at which point he woke up ready to eat. So we 3 headed off to the mother's room to nurse in comfort. Except Garrett just felt the mother's lounge is one great playground.

(This is a picture Garrett insisted I take even though poor Tristan is very upset.)

He drove me crazy the whole time jumping and boucing around and washing his hands so he had an excuse to use the automatica paper towel dispenser. Then Tristan had a good screaming\crying fit because he got too much milk too fast and was uncomfortable. I'm sure we sounded a mess to the people in the bathroom with all the noise we were making between Garrett's bouncing on everything, Tristan crying, and me telling Garrett (unsuccessfully) to STOP AND CALM DOWN. But I eventually got Tristan calm and in the sling just in time to pack up and go home! 

(Garrett was playing with my camera too!)
Other highlights from the weekend: Friday Garrett went to the eye doctor. He needs to wear his glasses more! My mom took him to the movie and Brian, baby and I went to Marley's birthday celebration at PF Changs and walked the mall a bit to pass a fussy period with Tristan. On Sunday evening we went to an open house to celebrate a friend's happy adoption of their little girl. And finally, late Sunday night I spent an hour picking up our very messy house while everyone else was asleep because it truely was trashed! And I was reminded again that I should never really stay up after everyone else is asleep to clean the house becuase that is always when I feel  overwhelmed with life!


  1. Hey Dawn, I didn't know you had a blog!Yay, isn't it fun? I loved reading yours, and I loved looking at pictures of your sweet little babies!

  2. thanks Sommer. I just started it. will be a bit slow because I don't get a lot of time to write currently.
